Friday, September 28, 2007

Its about time...

I figure it's about time I actually post something on my "blog". After all, its only been a year!
I must not have too many thoughts piling up at once. LOL!

It has been a hectic year, DH having his 9th, yes, 9th heart surgery in July and almost doing me in in the process. Who'da thunk it? 34 hrs of surgery, 5 days in a coma. Man, that guy really stresses me out. This should be the last one. After all, even a cat only gets 9 lives, right? So, this is his 9th. All Done!! He went back to work this week, and is doing ok. If we could only get those Warfarin levels to settle. Eventually, I hope all will balance out, if he stays away from BLT's and Chef Salads. If he only would......

My quilting has really suffered this year, I think I just finished my 2nd quilt top this year. I put it on the longarm to get it quilted, now I cannot seem to get in there to get it done. I am running away from home to a quilt retreat next weekend, and the local big quilt show is the weekend after that, then another retreat the weekend after the show! If I work it right, I won't have to go home until halloween!

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I finally have obtained a new job, after 15 years at my current one. My last day here is the 5th, and the first day is the 8th. This should be a new and exciting learning opportunity for me. Will let you know how that works ((((grin))))

Lastly, the garden is almost done, need to make & can the spagetti sauce. Maybe the weekend of halloween? That might keep my hands out of the candy bowl!


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